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Putting The Awesome Back in Bobbleheads
If we haven't met before, please allow us to introduce ourselves.
We are a young toy company, designing and manufacturing toys in the classic tradition -- relevant, cultural,
forward-thinking, innovative, and most of all, just plain fun!
There is something inherently joyful about a well-designed toy. The right toy can bring a smile to your face. It can transport you to a magical world. It can take you back in time. It can create meaningful friendships. And it can bring back and even create life-long memories.
Toys have a unique power of engagement that transcends not only millennium, but our own lives. From the time we are born until we become adults and beyond, toys play a crucial role in our development, our character, our relationship to both our inner and outer worlds, and even our ability to act creatively and imagine ourselves and the world as we want them to be. In many respects, the toys we have access to create and define us, even through adulthood.
Understanding and honoring that awesome and enduring power, we've designed a number of toy lines that are meant to be entertaining, educational, humorous, relevant, and hopefully meaningful.
Please enjoy perusing our toys and we hope you discover one that makes you smile. If so, we hope you take it home with you where you can access that smile any time you need it. :)
Bobbleheads -- tactile, interactive, relevant, amusing, character-driven -- these are a just few of the things that make bobbleheads such a timeless and engaging toy.
A bobblehead is inherently funny. Generally of a well-known, iconic person or character, often with a humorously stylized over-sized head that bobbles on a spring, it is a unique format that engages people on multiple levels. Bobbleheads captivate the attention, they spark the imagination, they tickle the funny-bone, and their possibilities for emotional engagement are endless.
They can be familiar, they can be funny, they can be serious, they can be ironic. They can be satirical, they can be relevant, they can be sacrilegious, and they can even be reverent... (*see our Jesus Bobblers).
Whatever they are, and whatever they can be, they have the unique and enduring power to engage, captivate, inform, and provide the inherent sense of amusement and irony always found in a bobbling-head"... Haha. Even now the thought is enough to make us chuckle.
And that my friends is ultimately, "Why Bobbleheads".
Because they make people smile.
Few ideas have spoken towards the future as persistently as the long-simmering idea of robots -- intelligent, functioning devices that can shoulder the burden of daily chores, computations, and even dangerous tasks.
And with today's computing and memory advances, we are closer than ever to realizing that long-awaited robotic ideal.
While most past concepts of robots revolved around something formed like a human, today, we have robots shaped to suit their purpose. There are robotic vacuums, robotic lawnmowers, robotic cars, robotic drones, and robotic bomb disposal devices.
And anti-climatic as they may be, even simpler mechanical devices such as washing machines, and dishwashers perform tasks in much the same way that robots were expected to do, just not so romantically. But then drudgery only romantic in fair tales.
But while the future is bright for robots, their conceptual history in pop-culture and the lexicon of science-fiction and science-fact are equally captivating -- giving us a nostalgic look at a simpler, golden age where robots were imagined as faithful, humanesque companions, protectors, and helpmates.
With that in ideal in mind, we've developed our own line of vintage-styles robotic toys, kits, and bobbleheads that can transport us to a simpler time -- where the future was brighter, and autonomous robots were the embodiment of the promise of better times to come.
Because after all, it's never too late to create the future as we used to imagine it to be...
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